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Mysticism and Divine Music: Israel in Translation

Mysticism and Divine Music: Israel in Translation

April 2, 2015

Israel Studies, Culture & Jewish Thought


Prof. Haviva Pedaya

TLV1 — BGU Prof. Haviva Pedaya’s poetry was recently featured on TLV1 radio’s Israel in Translation program.

Prof. Pedaya was born into an Iraqi family of rabbis and Kabbalists. She is a professor of Jewish history in BGU’s Goldstein-Goren Department of Jewish Thought where she specializes in mysticism. Her poetry echoes her scholarly research on time and place; center and periphery; and messianism.

With her Hebrew poetry set to music playing in the background, Prof. Pedaya’s poem  “When I Come From the Place of Crying” is read by TLV1 host Marcela Sulak.

Prof. Pedaya is also involved in a range of musical and artistic projects. She founded the Yonah Ensemble which has succeeded in revitalizing liturgical and mystical music of the Near East.

Listen to the podcast on the TLV1 website >>